Definition of Advantage Rule

What does the term "advantage rule" mean in the world of football? What is meant by the advantage rule?

In football, the "advantage rule" states that a team that is fouled shouldn't lose their current advantage by play being stopped.

For instance - let's say that Manchester United is advancing down the field and is outnumbering their opponent, Manchester City, 4-2. Manchester United has a very good chance of having a dangerous scoring opportunity here.

Now, let's say that one of the Manchester City defenders commits a minor foul on the Man Utd player that is carrying the ball down the field, though the Man Utd player retains possession and Man Utd retains their opportunity to score. Would it be fair for the referee to blow the whistle in this case? Absolutely not - Manchester United's momentum would be broken, and Man City would get a chance to reset.

In this case, the referee has the authority to allow play to continue, as Manchester United would retain the advantage and have a chance to score.

If Man City committed a foul and the ball went out of play or Man Utd's momentum was broken, the referee would blow the whistle and award Man Utd a free kick.

It is important to note that even if a referee allows play to continue, they can still award a card to the fouling player at the first stoppage.

The "advantage rule" prevents teams from purposely committing fouls when they are at a disadvantage in order to stop play.