Definition of NFL Early Payout Offer

What does the term "NFL early payout offer" mean in the world of sports betting? What is meant by a "NFL early payout offer"?

The meaning of the term NFL Early Payout Offer is explained in this article.  What is it?Sportsbooks will usually offer a wide assortment of different perks in order to attract new customers and keep their current ones.

One such offer might be the "NFL early payout offer", which is when a sportsbook will pay out a NFL bet to new and eligible customers, provided that the team that they bet on went up by a certain amount during the game.

For instance, one major European sportsbook automatically pays out bets when the team has gone up by 17 points or more. This applies to both straight bets and parts of a parlay.

So, if you have a 5-team parlay and the NFL team that you chose in a parlay goes up by 17 or more points, this sportsbook would automatically mark the bet as a winner, regardless of what happens over the course of the game.

It's important to note that this policy does not apply to all of its customers. Instead, sportsbooks will usually offer these perks to qualifying customers (big spenders, for instance) and new customers.